The Important Parameters And Benefits Of LED Indicator Lamp

Dipti Park
3 min readJun 29, 2021


LED indicator lamp, is a device, which is used for monitoring the working status or position of circuits and electrical equipment by using a lamp. A LED indicator lamp is usually used to reflect the working state of an electric or non-electric circuit, it is used to reflect the working state of the electrical equipment indicating operation, shutdown, or for testing, and to check the position state of electrical equipment whether it is opened or closed, some of the many features of a LED indicator lamp.

Here I am going to discuss the important parameters and uses of LED indicator lamps and along with that are also going to state the uses of LED indicator lamps.

The important parameters of LED indicator lamp or LED lighting

The parameters are as follows:

  • Forward working electricity IF — This refers to the positive value of the luminescent diode when it normally emits light. It usually uses, IF below 0.6, and should select IFm when required.
  • Forward operating voltage VF — To operate the voltage that is given in the parameter table, it needs to get obtained at a given positive current. That is measured at IF = 20Ma. The positive operating voltage of the led is VF that varies between 1.4 V to 3 V. Here if the external temperature increases, VF will decrease.
  • V-i characteristics — The relation between the current of the luminescent diode and the voltage is called threshold when the positive voltage gets less than a certain value, the current becomes so small that it struggles to emit light. As the voltage exceeds a certain value, the forward current increases rapidly along with the voltage and lights up.
  • LED lighting angle — It ranges from -90 — the degree to +90 — degree.
  • Half Angle and Angle of view — Half is the angle that is between the direction where the luminescence intensity is half of the axial intensity and the axial or normal direction of the luminescence.
  • Full shape — The converted angle of the LED indicator lamp, also known as the plane angle.

These are some of the important parameters of LED indicator lamps or LED lighting.

Benefits of LED indicator lamp

LED indicator lamp provides the users with several benefits as listed below:

  • They are high energy-efficient — LED indicator lamp provides more efficiency than standard fluorescent and incandescent lights. They consume less energy and are more efficient in converting that energy in lighting the lamp.
  • Provides high durability — LED indicator lamps can last up to 6 times longer than other types of lamps. This helps in saving money and time.
  • Can operate at cold temperatures — Unlike other bulbs or lamps LED indicator lamp stays operational and offers reliability at cold temperatures. This makes them the perfect choice for placing them in refrigerators and cold storage places.
  • Available in a wide range of colors — LED indicator lamp brings in different shades of colors, that will fit any environmental condition whether be it warmer or cooler.

These are the list of some listed benefits of LED indicator lamp; however, LED indicator lamp also allows flexibility as being of portable size, doesn’t emit any Ultraviolet rays, and also are rugged and durable.



Dipti Park
Dipti Park

Written by Dipti Park

Colleagues call me Dipti. Family and friends from long time ago call me Dips. My personal favourite hobby is to write blogs about random interesting things.

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